Rome, 25,000 people take part in the Fridays for Future strike with Greta Thunberg
What Greta Thunberg said and did in Rome, where she participated in Fridays for Future’s strike, encouraging young people to keep fighting for the climate.
Emanuele Rigitano
I’m a blogger dedicated to cross-media environmental communication and social media. I write about ecology on ecodellaterra.blogspot and politics on Linkiesta, in the Ego Politico blog, and founded the alternative information website Nuova Repubblica. I have worked with the environmental newspapers Terra and Greenreport and in 2011-13 I was part of the web communications team at the Federazione dei Verdi after having obtained a Master’s in Environmental Communications. In my spare time I like to cook, read, take photographs, run and use my bicycle, as well as participate in socio-political community initiatives to make a difference, however small, in my society.
Favourite quote:
“In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act” (George Orwell)
What Greta Thunberg said and did in Rome, where she participated in Fridays for Future’s strike, encouraging young people to keep fighting for the climate.
With a new video Greta Thunberg calls on companies and decision-makers to act against climate change. The young Swedish activist attended the World Economic Forum in Davos to talk about the climate.
Germany’s first solar bicycle lane could be the prototype for the roads of the future. The photovoltaic tiles melt snow and ice, and are capable of absorbing noise.
The outcome of the COP24 in Katowice left many unsatisfied. Greta Thunberg, a young Swedish environmental activist, gave a harsh, heartfelt speech addressing world leaders.
The city of Utrecht, in the Netherlands, is home to a bridge for cycling and walking that stretches over roof garden of a Montessori school. This project enhances practicality and will allow families to bring children to school by bike, passing through green areas. Despite their functionality, bridges are often seen as an infrastructure that is
The Lego hair bike helmet is the latest Internet craze. For now it’s just a prototype but production on a large scale will probably start soon.
A luminous cycling strip has recently been unveiled in Poland: created in the town of Lidzbark Warminski, the cycling lane glows blue at night, a feast for the eyes. Features of the bike path The lane is divided into two sections – one for cyclists, one for pedestrians – so that everybody can enjoy such
The Nelson Street Cycleway in Auckland: its glass walls, LED mood lighting system and bright colours make this pink cycling lane visible at a great distance…and all over the world.
Navigant research shows that e-bike sales are booming. China is in the lead, Europe is beginning to increase its market share: global sales are expected to grow from 15.7 billion dollars to 24.4 billion by 2025.
Bamboo bicycles become a low-impact source of wealth: Ghana bamboo bikes initiative is a social enterprise that has put sustainability at its heart.
The sportswear brand paid 10 million dollars for this new bike share programme. With Nike’s sponsorship Portland’s affordable system of bikes will grow from 600 to 1,000.