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Bee My Future, food security is in their wings

Bee My Future, food security is in their wings

Honeybees and other insect pollinators are in danger. Since 2006 they have been experiencing depopulation that is mostly stricking European and US worker bees. The identified causes are multiple, such as pests and habitat loss, but the main cause seems to be linked to the agricultural use of 3 insecticides (the neonicotinoids) that affect insect pollinators’ nervous system.

Palm oil: what you need to know about health and environment

Palm oil: what you need to know about health and environment

Palm oil is an edible oil plant that is a common ingredient in many consumer products, and it has become the most widely produced vegetable oil worldwide. Palm oil global consumption increased sharply: in 2014 it amounted to 56.63 million metric tonnes, and it is expected to exceed 60 million in 2015, according to studies by The

LifeGate launches recipes’ sustainability index

LifeGate launches recipes’ sustainability index

Thanks to I Feel Food, the project on sustainable eating, and the knowhow of Zero Impact®, LifeGate developed a sustainability indicator that classifies each recipe depending on its environmental impact.   Sustainability level can be easily identified thanks to the presence of small planet-shaped symbols (from 0 to 5): the more planets the recipe receives

100 years of Iran thorugh women’s hairstyles

100 years of Iran thorugh women’s hairstyles

Let’s retrace one hundred years of Iranian history through women’s traditional hairstyles over the course of decades. Since the 10s of the Twentieth century up to today. It could seem absurd but the evolution (if we can say so) and the passing of time led to a regression of this country’s customs. The footage is

Sleeping hummingbird snores just like your partner

Sleeping hummingbird snores just like your partner

Peruvian scientist shot a hummingbird sleeping, or better, snoring. Exactly like humans, these extraordinary birds produce sounds, such as snoring when they sleep heavy. The noise is even more annoying than that of humans. The video has been broadcasted by the TV programme Super Cute Animals of the British channel BBC One. Translated by Camilla

Amaranth, the plant saving Argentinian families

Amaranth, the plant saving Argentinian families

Amaranth has high quality nutrients: its small grains (1 gram contains 1,000-3,000 grains depending on the variety) are rich in proteins and have a high content of calcium and phosphorus. Thanks to the lack of gluten, it is an ideal product for celiac and diabetic people’s diets.     The monks who accompanied the conquistadores

Three scrumptious purées without potatoes

Three scrumptious purées without potatoes

Sedano rapa e salvia   Ingredienti 2 teste di sedano rapa 1 tazza scarsa di latte parzialmente scremato una manciata di foglie di salvia fresca olio extra vergine di oliva sale marino integrale pepe nero da macinare    Foto © www.brit.co   Preparazione Portate una pentola di acqua a bollire a fuoco medio-alto. Sbucciare e tagliare

Baby panda sees snow for the first time

Baby panda sees snow for the first time

The Smithsonian’s National Zoological Park of Washington released a video featuring a cub of female giant panda named Bao Bao, which was born in the park in August 2013, playing and rolling over in the snow for the first time, after a snowfall hit the US capital over the first days of January. The snowfall led officials to

The secret for a perfect juice

The secret for a perfect juice

Even in the winter, a good home-made fruit juice can be a panacea. It provides useful vitamins for the prevention of seasonal ailments and helps replacing the mineral salts lost through sweat in summer months. In order for our juices to keep unchanged their beneficial properties, it is important to know which appliance is the