Donald Trump’s first 100 days and energy plans
Here are Donald Trump’s declarations on energy, the environment, renewable energy, fracking and oil, made on the US President’s official campaign site.
Here are Donald Trump’s declarations on energy, the environment, renewable energy, fracking and oil, made on the US President’s official campaign site.
Il papà di Diana Rios è stato fatto a pezzi perché difendeva la foresta. Anche lei rischia la vita, ma non ha rinunciato a partecipare alla Cop 21.
Alarming data come from the Arctic Circle. Abnormal temperatures and near-record low sea ice coverage. Experts warn: “Lost ice can’t recover”.
From coral bleaching and drought to melting ice and coastal erosion. Here’s a photo gallery that shows the undeniable, appalling effects of global warming.
L’economista Nicholas Stern è a Marrakech per partecipare ai lavori della conferenza sul clima (Cop 22). Il suo messaggio è chiaro: “I danni economici sono maggiori delle previsioni”.
Il suo era uno dei discorso più attesi, dopo l’elezione di Donald Trump. Il segretario di stato John Kerry chiude la sua stagione, mentre gli Stati Uniti annunciano il nuovo piano contro il riscaldamento globale.
The Paris Agreement enters into force today, the 4th of November 2016. The signatory countries have pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and put in place strategies to combat climate change. The agreement represents a common effort to keep the global temperature rise below 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels, aiming to not exceed 1.5°C. 94 countries
Bad news comes from the Scripps Institute for Oceanography of San Diego, California. Atmospheric carbon dioxide has passed the 400 ppm (parts per million) threshold, maybe permanently. In September carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is usually at its minimum, but in 2016 it failed to drop below 400 parts per million. “Is it possible that October 2016
It has been four years since the Inter-American Court of Human Rights found Ecuador guilty of granting the ancestral land of the Sarayaku in concession to an oil and gas company. The community of about 1,200 indigenous Kichwa people is situated along the Bobonaza River, in the southern part of the Ecuadorian Amazon. In 2012, the Court reaffirmed the right of
In a region grappling with excessive pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, climate change-induced droughts and floods, exacerbated by high coal-fuelled energy consumption, countries in Asia are exploring innovative clean and green financing products such as green bonds to move towards a sustainable, low carbon economy. As much as 7 trillion US dollars will need to be spent building new