Why London’s new Design Museum is the cathedral of design and architecture
After ten years London’s Design Museum reopens in a new location. A spotlight not only on objects, but also on creative processes and global issues.
After ten years London’s Design Museum reopens in a new location. A spotlight not only on objects, but also on creative processes and global issues.
Le centrali a carbone inglesi saranno dismesse entro il 2025, per far posto a quelle a gas, ma anche al nucleare. Una vittoria a metà.
The estuary of the River Severn lies in the southwest of Great Britain, in Wales’s Swansea Bay. It has the world’s second highest tide range, the difference between high and low tide, which is most acute in spring. What better place than this to build a plant that uses ocean tides to generate electricity? The
Secondo l’associazione naturalista Wildlife Trust i bambini del Regno Unito stanno perdendo il contatto con la natura subendo un impoverimento spirituale.
A group of UK leading retailers teamed up to reduce supermarket food waste. In 2014, according to the British Retail Consortium (BRC), they managed to reduce food waste by 20,000 tonnes. Asda, Co-operative Food, Marks and Spencer, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, and Waitrose reduced, from 200,000 to 180,000 tonnes, the edible food being thrown away over the past year.
A British woman could ride a bike for the first time thanks to a really ergonomic bionic hand. Nicky Ashwell, 29, from London, was born without a right forearm and until now she used a cosmetic prosthetic that she wasn’t able to move. Now she’s able to carry out tasks with both hands but
Being a female cyclist in London is less safe than expected if due to an argument you can risk your life. That’s what an episode happened between Sidney Street and Whitechapel Road, in the district that has become famous for the crimes committed by Jack the Ripper, seems to demonstrate. A man tried to
The sculptures, by the British artist Jason deCaires Taylor, denounce the current alarming climate situation and the impact fossil fuel have on our planet.
Vienna si è rivolta alla giustizia europea, puntando il dito contro le sovvenzioni pubbliche concesse da Londra ai futuri reattori nucleari di Hinkley Point.
London’s ultra-iconic double decker bus is going 100% electric, the city’s Mayor Boris Johnson announced earlier this week. The bus built by Chinese car and battery manufacturer BYD will enter into service from October on Route 16, travelling from northwest London to Victoria Station. It will be the world’s first purposely-designed electric double decker bus,