Donald Trump undoes Obama’s Clean Power Plan, to “stop the war on coal”
Donald Trump ha firmato il decreto che impone la revisione delle norme introdotte da Obama per limitare le emissioni di CO2 delle centrali elettriche.
Donald Trump ha firmato il decreto che impone la revisione delle norme introdotte da Obama per limitare le emissioni di CO2 delle centrali elettriche.
La guerra in Siria dura ormai da sei anni: ecco le dieci date spartiacque di un conflitto che ha provocato 321mila morti e quasi cinque milioni di profughi.
The Bakken or Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), an underground oil pipeline project in the United States, is owned by a network of oil and pipeline companies, joint ventures and holding companies. After Trump revived it in January without the consent of the Sioux indigenous tribe affected by it and flouting environmental laws, many investors both from the US
In a one-sentence order the Supreme Court announced that it wouldn’t hear the case of a 17-year old Gavin Grimm that could have affected the interpretation of a non-discrimination law. “In light of the guidance document issued by the Department of Education and Department of Justice,” the Court decided to send the case back to the Court
Dopo l’ordine di sgombero di Donald Trump, chi si oppone al Dakota access pipeline si sta riorganizzando per la manifestazione del 10 marzo. E intanto in Italia…
I primi 38 giorni di Donald Trump alla Casa Bianca sono stati contraddistinti da un turbinio di decreti, annunci, decisioni (anche clamorose) e polemiche.
Amnesty International has documented the state of human rights in 159 countries in 2016. And claims: “The rhetoric of ‘us against them’ is breeding division and fear”.
With its 230 metres (770 feet) the Oroville dam in California is the tallest in the United States, lying about 240 kilometres (150 miles) from San Francisco. On the 7th of February operators noticed damages to the main spillway, channel used to control the release of water from the basin, flowing into the Feather River. After they slowed
Dagli ocelot ai giaguari fino alle civette nane. Il muro potrebbe avere gravi conseguenze sulla fauna che vive al confine tra Usa e Messico.
Food irradiation involves exposing food to bursts of gamma rays, X-rays or electron beams to eliminate risks associated with microbial contamination, as well as to increase products’ shelf life. It has been used for many years in Asia, the United States and Europe (Netherlands, Belgium and France mostly), but it is not yet fully accepted by consumers and public opinion. A point