California to cut CO2 emissions by 40% by 2030
Governor of California Jerry Brown has signed a bill that renews the State’s efforts to fight climate change.
Governor of California Jerry Brown has signed a bill that renews the State’s efforts to fight climate change.
NASA’s analysis confirms the latest trends. August 2016 sets a new monthly record in high temperatures, continuing a streak of 11 consecutive months.
Dopo aver perso la battaglia legale contro l’oleodotto Dakota access pipeline, i sioux ottengono ail sostegno di Barack Obama che blocca la costruzione.
MIgliaia di nativi americani protestano contro un oleodotto nel Dakota del Nord che minaccia le terre sioux e il fiume Missouri.
Off the coasts of Hawaii, the President of the United States has quadrupled the area of the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, a protected marine reserve established by George W. Bush earlier in 2006. This is part of the legacy Obama wants to hand on his successor. The existing marine reserve will be expanded from 357,000 to
Home to breathtaking views of the Cascade and Olympic Mountains and nestled between the waters of the Puget Sound, Ebey’s National Historical Reserve, located on Whidbey Island in the US state of Washington, is a thriving rural community, with a history of exploration and settlement. Originally populated by the Lower Skagit Native American tribe, land use has remained
Le due nazioni hanno consegnato alle Nazioni Unite i documenti per la ratifica dell’Accordo di Parigi. Che, tuttavia, non può ancora entrare in vigore.
The increasing demand for avocado in the United States and Europe is contributing to deforestation in the Mexican state of Michoacán.
The socio-economic crisis in Venezuela A key source of the crisis is the diminishing price of oil, which was selling at 97 dollars per barrel in 2013, but fell to 48 dollars per barrel by 2015. This has hit the country harshly as crude oil exports are a central pillar of the Venezuelan state-led economy, with this commodity making up 97.7 per
The inhabitants of Shishmaref, a small village in the heart of Alaska, have decided to relocate their town due to rising sea levels.