7,000 railway stations in India will be powered by solar energy
Entro pochi anni in India il 98 per cento delle stazioni ferroviarie saranno alimentate con solare fotovoltaico
Entro pochi anni in India il 98 per cento delle stazioni ferroviarie saranno alimentate con solare fotovoltaico
In Iran sopravvivono appena cento esemplari di ghepardo asiatico, specie minacciata dalla perdita di habitat, dalla riduzione delle prede e dal conflitto con i pastori.
The Munduruku block the Tapajós dam, Brazil The hydroelectric São Luiz do Tapajós dam would have been one of Brazil’s largest. It was planned to alter the course of the Tapajós River, one of the Amazon River’s largest tributaries, inundating over 700 square kilometres, including of Munduruku land. But it won’t go ahead. Together with organisations such as Greenpeace and Survival International the
Yoga is based on unifying the mind with the body and soul. The benefits of this ancient Indian discipline have now been recognised by Unesco.
KBK is the short form referring to the region comprising the Kalahandi, Bolangir and Koraput districts of India’s eastern state of Odisha. News on acute poverty leading to child-selling and starvation deaths in the region prompted Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi to visit these districts in the 1980s and inaugurate several poverty alleviation schemes. None of
For 33 years the Late Show was the US television channel CBS’ goodnight to its viewers and its host David Letterman was one of the most innovative and unpredictable broadcasters in the country. Now he faces a new challenge that the producers of the National Geographic show Years of Living Dangerously, Joel Bach and David Gelber, asked him to take
In a region grappling with excessive pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, climate change-induced droughts and floods, exacerbated by high coal-fuelled energy consumption, countries in Asia are exploring innovative clean and green financing products such as green bonds to move towards a sustainable, low carbon economy. As much as 7 trillion US dollars will need to be spent building new
Tea production in India, second only to China’s in the world, provides employment to more than 3.5 million workers and accounts for more than 31 per cent of the global market. Working conditions on tea plantations have historically been degrading and dangerous (as exemplified in the 2015 BBC documentary, The Real Cost of A Cuppa). In response to
India recently completed 69 years as an independent nation. Over these years the country has made progress in almost all fields and has become the world’s fastest growing economy. But the country still struggles to attain freedom from hunger and overcome the issue of malnutrition that results in the loss of about 3 million young
Il monsone annuale è stato particolarmente violento e ha devastato il centro-nord del Paese, colpendo soprattutto gli stati più poveri.