What happens if we don’t protect mangroves
A new study carried out by UNEP highlighted the ongoing destruction of mangrove forests, whose disappearance implies a yearly cost of 42 billion dollars.
A new study carried out by UNEP highlighted the ongoing destruction of mangrove forests, whose disappearance implies a yearly cost of 42 billion dollars.
During the coldest days of the year here are a few tips on how to make bird feeders that help birds survive the winter.
Nei prossimi decenni i cambiamenti climatici potrebbero mutare la composizione delle foreste.
Dopo secoli di soprusi i lupi stanno tornando a popolare boschi e montagne del nostro pianeta. Eppure il rapporto con l’uomo continua ad essere conflittuale.
According to a new study the colour of butterflies and dragonflies depends on climate. Global warming is changing the way they are distributed in favour of lighter-coloured ones.
Dopo le ultime uccisioni avvenute nella Maremma toscana, il Wwf si mobilita e suggerisce 5 interventi mirati per una convivenza pacifica tra uomo e lupo.