What is climate change
Climate change is the direct consequence of global warming. Here’s everything you need to know about the causes and effects of one of the biggest threats facing our time.
Climate change is the direct consequence of global warming. Here’s everything you need to know about the causes and effects of one of the biggest threats facing our time.
Indian coal giant Adani’s Carmichael project, worth 16.5 billion Australian dollars, in the Galilee basin in Queensland is projected to be the largest mine in Australia and one of the largest in the world. After an international campaign to block it, Gautam Adani, the Indian billionaire founder of the conglomerate of the same name, announced
The first chick of the season of Italy’s most populous colony of greater flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus) has hatched at Parco Natura Viva in Bussolengo, in the province of Verona, Italy. This year the park registered a record of eggs laid – more than 40. Many other chicks will soon hatch as this spring the couples
Grazie alle fototrappole dell’Istituto Oikos è stata confermata la presenza dell’orso malese nelle foreste del Myanmar.
Dagli ocelot ai giaguari fino alle civette nane. Il muro potrebbe avere gravi conseguenze sulla fauna che vive al confine tra Usa e Messico.
Secondo un nuovo studio pubblicato su Science Advances i paesaggi forestali intatti stanno scomparendo ad un ritmo insostenibile.
Bad news comes from the 13rd meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity held in Cancun, Mexico. The Red List of threatened Species, compiled by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), includes 85,604 species, 24,307 of which risk extinction. And giraffes are now among them. “Many species are
La Giornata mondiale dell’alimentazione 2016 è dedicata al terribile impatto dei cambiamenti climatici sulla nostra sicurezza alimentare.
A causa della caccia e della guerra civile in Congo questa specie è ora classificata “in pericolo critico” dalla Lista rossa della Iucn.
What is ghost fishing and why is it a problem All fishing nets, lines and traps that get lost or abandoned at sea continue to operate long after we lose track of them. The main resulting threat for the marine environment is so-called ghost fishing: abandoned floating nets keep catching fish and other marine animals