176 new animal species discovered in India
Nel 2014 in alcune aree incontaminate del Paese sono state classificate numerose specie animali ancora ignote alla scienza.
Nel 2014 in alcune aree incontaminate del Paese sono state classificate numerose specie animali ancora ignote alla scienza.
In Kazakistan dalla metà di maggio oltre 120mila saighe sono morte, decimate da una misteriosa epidemia che potrebbe condurle all’estinzione.
Nella giornata dedicata alla biodiversità, la Commissione europea rivela qual è lo stato di salute della natura.
Deforestation in Indonesia. To begin with, it would be useful if you could give us some figures on deforestation in your country. What effects has the government’s moratorium of 2011 had on deforestation, and what effects is it currently having? The moratorium hasn’t had significant effects since it was introduced in 2011. The deforestation rate
A meeting between environmental, scientific and government organisations has yielded a programme to protect gorillas and chimpanzees.
Capybaras spend most of their time in the water, and guinea pigs are their closest parents. Here you can find some facts about these funny animals.
The inhabitants of a village in the Indian Ocean, tired of the negative impacts of global warming, have taken matters into their own hands and safeguarded their community from the risks that threaten their livelihoods. The women of the island have planted twenty thousand mangroves to protect the land and water fauna. The future of
Honeybees and other insect pollinators are in danger. Since 2006 they have been experiencing depopulation that is mostly stricking European and US worker bees. The identified causes are multiple, such as pests and habitat loss, but the main cause seems to be linked to the agricultural use of 3 insecticides (the neonicotinoids) that affect insect pollinators’ nervous system.
This extremely cute animal has been spotted after years of hiding in mountains of the northwest China by a group of volunteers.
Dopo quasi venti anni di assenza nel sud-est del Gabon è stata documentata la presenza di un leone, nuovi studi determineranno se si tratta di un esemplare isolato.