Top things to do in Astana, the city of Expo 2017
Nella capitale del Kazakistan tra giugno e settembre si svolge Expo 2017. Cosa vedere ad Astana, una capitale moderna dal carattere sia orientale sia occidentale.
Nella capitale del Kazakistan tra giugno e settembre si svolge Expo 2017. Cosa vedere ad Astana, una capitale moderna dal carattere sia orientale sia occidentale.
It charmed, stunned and surprised visitors at Expo Milano 2015 with its hundreds of lights and steel pieces and the humming of bees remotely connected in real time from a hive in the UK. The Hive particularly amazed those who came at night and had the chance to see it glowing warmly and softly in the
Chiusi i cancelli dell’Esposizione, ora alcuni dei padiglioni in legno certificato Pefc avranno una seconda vita.
L’agricoltura biologica in Perù, che rispetta la terra e chi la coltiva, ha permesso ai contadini peruviani di uscire dalla povertà e dal narcotraffico.
Concluso uno degli appuntamenti più importanti di Expo nella Giornata mondiale dell’alimentazione. Mattarella: “Nutrire il pianeta è la sfida epocale che abbiamo di fronte”.
Tarwi is a legume that has been rediscovered. Thanks to a cooperation project, it will improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the remote Peruvian province of Huaylas.
Within Milan’s global exhibition, there’s a place exclusively dedicated to organic farming and (agricultural but even non agricultural) biodiversity. It is called Biodiversity Park and it is an area of 8,500 square metres realised by BolognaFiere to highlight the importance of biological diversity as a universal precious thing we must protect everywhere in the world, in Italy
The idea of common home makes us imagine a place where citizens are interdependent. A place where people need others’ contribution, but at the same time they cannot do everything they want, as if no limits or responsibilities towards the others would exist. This metaphor is one of the highest moment of the conference
Korea national day: A view on a distant culture, full of history and ancient traditions.
Thanks to its pavilion and using technology and entertainment, Germany shows its policies aiming to protect the resources of the planet.