Anonymous declares war on Donald Trump. “He stands for nothing but greed and power”

Anonymous declares war on Donald Trump. “He stands for nothing but greed and power” #OpTrump In a video released on its Youtube channel, the hacker-activist (hacktivist) group Anonymous has declared that it will mount a campaign against Republican candidate Donald Trump, currently leading the presidential primaries. In the video a spokesperson wearing the group’s trademark disguise, a mask with the face of Guy Fawkes (the man who tried

Breastfeeding could save 800,000 children every year

Breastfeeding could save 800,000 children every year

Secondo uno studio pubblicato su The Lancet e finanziato anche dalla fondazione Bill e Melinda Gates, se tutte le mamme del mondo allattassero i loro figli ci sarebbero circa 800.000 morti in meno tra i bambini e 20.000 casi in meno di cancro tra le madri.