Peru and Bolivia sign historic deal to save Lake Titicaca
Le due nazioni sudamericane hanno siglato un’intesa per bonificare il lago Titicaca e i suoi numerosi affluenti, devastati dall’inquinamento.
Le due nazioni sudamericane hanno siglato un’intesa per bonificare il lago Titicaca e i suoi numerosi affluenti, devastati dall’inquinamento.
Da due mesi gli ingegneri tentano di fermare una fuga di metano da un impianto alle porte di Los Angeles. Jerry Brown dichiara lo stato d’emergenza.
Discussions about GMOs, carcinogenic pesticides and food allergies are making Americans take a step back, looking back to a time when nature ruled. The US, where wheat is the principal food grain, is seeing a resurgence of ancient varieties such as Turkey Hard Red Winter Wheat, which came to the country in the 19th century,
Stories must be told, whether they’re negative or positive. Our effort has been to give voice to the Earth and its silent breath, like Rachel Carson would have said. Whether it is being safeguarded or exploited, we take care in relating its state of health because it is our only home, the place that has
Concerns have been raised over the years regarding the decline of the monarch butterfly, which migrates south from the United States in the winter, but good news has come out of El Rosario, the biggest sanctuary in the Mexican state of Michoacán. It has been reported that the animal’s population has grown over 200% compared
Un giudice della Corte Suprema si è schierato apertamente contro la pena di morte. Altri quattro potrebbero seguirlo. Intanto calano le esecuzioni.
Donald Trump’s third appeal against planning permission for the Aberdeen Bay Wind Farm in Scotland has been rejected in a unanimous decision made by the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. It is hoped that the project, which includes eleven offshore wind turbines and has been labeled as a “vital development at a time of
Thanks to its workshops, trattorias, food companies and restaurants, Parma, the capital of the Food Valley, received a great acknowledgement: it’s the first Italian city to be rewarded by UNESCO for its gastronomy.
La comunità di indigeni Tacana ha sviluppato con successo una strategia di gestione sostenibile del territorio, che gli è valsa il premio Equator Prize alla Cop 21 di Parigi.
La candidata di estrema destra alla presidenza della regione Nord-Pas de Calais: basta inviare zanzariere in Senegal per lottare contro la malaria.