Who was Douglas Tompkins, the founder of The North Face
Il miliardario Douglas Tompkins aveva dedicato gli ultimi anni alla battaglia ecologista. È morto in Cile a 72 anni a causa di un incidente in kayack.
Il miliardario Douglas Tompkins aveva dedicato gli ultimi anni alla battaglia ecologista. È morto in Cile a 72 anni a causa di un incidente in kayack.
Will this week bring an agreement to keep the world from tipping into irreconcilable climate change? Perhaps, but regardless of the headlines from COP21, something very important is happening. Some of the biggest gains for the environment are happening on the streets of urban areas the world over. Cities at COP21 and beyond are already
Only a few hours after parliamentary elections were held in Venezuela on the 6th of December the electoral commission announced that the opposition coalition Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) has won 99 of 167 seats, compared to only 46 seats for the ruling party, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), of President Nicolás Maduro. It
Syngenta AG, the world’s third largest producer of biochemically-engineered foods, has been found guilty of murder by Judge Pedro Ivo Moreiro of the Civil Court of the municipality of Cascavel in the southern Brazilian region of Paraná. The announcement of the ruling was made public on the 17th of November. The court has ordained that
Il World Food Programme ha presentato, alla Cop 21 di Parigi, un nuovo indicatore che misura l’impatto dei cambiamenti climatici sulla fame nel mondo.
The winning images of a photography competition are featured in Survival’s 2016 calendar. To support the NGO that fights for indigenous people’s rights.
Secondo uno studio condotto da Chatham House e dall’Università di Glasgow le persone sarebbero propense a ridurre il consumo di carne per motivi di salute e per ridurre l’impatto ambientale.
On 28 November, Pearl Jam closed their Latin American tour of nine dates started on 4 November 2015, where they also played cover songs of popular bands including Comfortably numb by Pink Floyd, Imagine by John Lennon and a U2’s songs cover. But the Seattle band leaves its mark in Latin America for another reason: Pearl Jam decided to offset carbon emissions
Nicaragua is the third poorest country in Latin America and has been desperately searching for a solution to its economic problems. Many hope the construction of the Grand Canal joining the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, expected to start in early 2016, will provide the nation with the answers it needs, namely employment, trade and an
Il disastro minerario avvenuto in Brasile tre settimane fa ha devastato il bacino del Rio Doce e dei suoi affluenti, seminando morte tra gli animali e disperazione tra i pescatori.