Why March for Science on Earth Day: Mr. Trump support science, not silence

Why March for Science on Earth Day: Mr. Trump support science, not silence

Supporters and enthusiasts will March for Science on the streets of the United States capital Washington DC on the 22nd of April: the occasion is Earth Day, established by the United Nations to celebrate our planet and act against the threats that face it. The motive is to protest neo-president Donald Trump‘s retrograde stance towards climate change and the environment.

What astronauts can and can’t eat in space

What astronauts can and can’t eat in space

Though eating is a primary necessity for astronauts, it doesn’t mean it’s necessarily a pleasure. The first meals eaten in space were flavourless, odourless and lacked consistency. But times have changed, and a healthy, balanced, and tasty diet is essential for astronauts to go through long periods at the International Space Station, without negative impacts