Brazil, uncontacted indigenous people murdered by gold miners

Brazil, uncontacted indigenous people murdered by gold miners

Around ten members of an uncontacted indigenous tribe, one that has had no peaceful contact with mainstream society, have been killed by illegal gold miners in the Brazilian Amazon. The alleged attack took place last month along the Jandiatuba River, close to the border with Peru and Colombia. The crime came to light after the perpetrators were overheard in

Teixchel, indigenous women in Guatemala weave to fight exclusion

Teixchel, indigenous women in Guatemala weave to fight exclusion

The challenges that indigenous Maya women currently face in Guatemala are complex and numerous but if we had to sum them up in one word, it would be exclusion. This according to Rosalia, a 33-year old associate artisan at Teixchel, a sustainable weaving association in San Pedro La Laguna, on the shore of Lake Atitlán, that uses exclusively nontoxic eco and

Short story dispensers are spreading in cities around the world

Short story dispensers are spreading in cities around the world

Thanks to Short Edition, a small French startup, eight short story distributors were installed in the city hall, train stations, tourism office and post offices in the southern French city of Grenoble at the end of 2015. Perfect to help people kill time without relying on ever-present smartphones and, instead, giving literature a chance. Depending on how much time you have, you choose the one,

Usain Bolt will run his final race. The best photos of his career

Usain Bolt will run his final race. The best photos of his career

To slow down for three years. This could be a banal, maybe disappointing, explanation. But it conceals and, thus, reveals a secret. Behind the world’s fastest man, and his smile with which he challenged all of his rivals, is an everyday life made of backbreaking, painful and exhausting trainings. Here’s a selection of the most