Munich launches BeeZero, the first hydrogen-powered car sharing programme

Fifty fuel cell Hyundai ix35 will be available for Munich’s citizens, who will be able to get around the city emitting only water vapour. The hydrogen transition is getting closer.

After fuel cell e-bikes, here comes BeeZero, world’s first car sharing service powered by hydrogen vehicles. A result of the collaboration between the German company Linde, which produced the propellant and Hyundai, the car manufacturer that made available some fifty fuel cell ix35, the programme is planned to be fully functioning this summer.


In Munich, 50 fuel cell Hyundai will riun in the streets and emit just water vapour © Linde Group


You’ll just need an application for smartphones to reserve your hydrogen powered car, which will travel about 400 kilometres on a full tank and emit water vapour only. This is world’s fleet vehicle powered by fuel cells available for rent. “BeeZero synergises two mobility trends that are gaining a lot of ground at the moment – car sharing services and zero emissions – and will bring the benefits of fuel cell technology to a wider group of potential users”, said Christian Bruch, member of the Linde AG executive board, in a statement.

This is the evolution of car sharing: an electric motor powered by hydrogen allows to solving the problem of the car’s limited range. And most importantly, the fuel “is sourced from sustainable production processes, making it completely carbon neutral”, reads Linde’s official notice.
“BeeZero will not only be the first car sharing service using hydrogen-powered zero-emission cars, but will also offer comfortable and reliable transportation for the public’s everyday needs”, stated Thomas A. Schmid, Chief Operating Officer at Hyundai Motor Europe.


Fuel cell Hyundai ix35 © Linde Group.


Renting hydrogen powered vehicles

Of course this isn’t a car sharing service for private citizens, but already in 2014 Bolzano launched Italy’s new hydrogen filling station, where a fleet of fuel cell cars was made available for long-term rental by some companies. Here the fuel is generated from renewables, mostly hydroelectric power, making the cycle essentially sustainable.

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