Corn ethanol, how it harms the climate and destroys the American Great Plains

Corn ethanol, how it harms the climate and destroys the American Great Plains

Ethanol, the biofuel made from corn and other plant materials, was once acclaimed as the solution to the United States’ dependence on foreign oil. Yet growing evidence, including a recent study from the University of Michigan, shows how the fuel is not reducing CO2 emissions as previously thought, but is instead contributing to the environmental demise of the American Great Plains,

Costa Rica has used 100% renewable energy for 150 days in a row, so far

Costa Rica has used 100% renewable energy for 150 days in a row, so far

Costa Rica is setting more and more records. Renewable energy supplied almost all the energy produced in 2015 in the Central American country, while in 2016 solar power will prevail. For about two months in a row, to be more precise 76 days, the country hasn’t burnt any fossil fuels. The National Centre for Energy Control wrote in a public

Back to nature. Practicing yoga outdoors

Back to nature. Practicing yoga outdoors

Practicing yoga connects us deeply with the elements and energy of the universe. In fact, one of the meanings of the Sanskrit word yoga is “union”, “connection”. By developing self-awareness through yoga we explore how we’re linked to the earth beneath us and environment around us. Stress-related illnesses can arise from living in the city, which