Sweden inaugurates the world’s first electric highway for trucks

Sweden inaugurates the world’s first electric highway for trucks

Sweden inaugurated the first stretch of electric highway in the province of Gästrikland, more precisely between Kungsgården and Sandviken, on the 22nd of June. It’s a stretch of the E16 road, a highway that connects Sweden to Norway. It’s a 2-kilometre stretch where hybrid trucks will be powered by electricity, exactly like trams. A two-year

South African solar plant set to bring energy to thousands

South African solar plant set to bring energy to thousands

275,000 photovoltaic modules connected by 990 kilometres of cables. The logistics behind coordinating such a project are tremendous. The Mulilo Sonnedix Prieska PV project will, once completed, cover an area approximately equal to 125 football or rugby fields. The plant, which is being constructed by US company Sonnedix in the Northern Free State area of Prieska, will have a capacity

Paris to ban old and polluting cars

Paris to ban old and polluting cars

Commercial vehicles produced before 1997 won’t be allowed in the streets of Paris. The measure, which will come into force on 1 July, is intended to reduce air pollution in the French capital.

Beyond the bargain. What is fair trade fashion

Beyond the bargain. What is fair trade fashion

Fair trade labels and certification There is no universal fair trade certification. One of the most widely known fair trade labels is the Fairtrade Foundation’s Fairtrade Mark, which certifies products such as bananas. The World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO’s) label, instead, identifies organisations rather than goods. While these two verifying bodies are internationally recognised, there are