The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a free trade agreement between the United States (US) and European Union (EU). The two countries have been negotiating – mostly in secret – since 2013, after more than a decade of preliminary talks. The treaty aims to create a common market to facilitate economic relations between
Glyphosate, the EU postpones again. No decision until the end of 2017
Senza una decisione da parte dei governi sul glifosato, la Commissione europea ha prolungato l’autorizzazione all’uso dell’erbicida per altri 18 mesi.
Governments gathered no less than three times without reaching an agreement, procrastinating until the 30th of June. So, the European Commission had to remedy the lack of harmony between the 28 member states, and decided to extend, until 31 December 2017, the authorisation for the weedkiller glyphosate. One-sidedness.
Brussels’ aversion
“After EU Member States failed to take responsibility for the decision on glyphosate extension, Commission decided to extend the approval of glyphosate for a limited period of time,” said Enrico Brivio, Commission Spokesperson for Health and Food Safety. Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis said he was surprised at governments’ behaviour and, especially, silence, as they showed being “unable to take on responsibility with a qualified majority”.
Waiting for new results on glyphosate
Hopefully, the representatives of each state will use extra time to meet and reach an agreement, without building walls, but only analysing facts and scientific researches, while waiting for the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) will express its opinion on the risks of the weedkiller. The Commission asked member states to meet in July and continue talks to find a majority. Even if it takes resorting to the precautionary principle, which allowed the European Union taking care of its citizens’ interests.
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A photographer decided to dig into how, where and why the weed killer glyphosate is used in Italy. This is after he saw Ernesto Piovano’s photo feature, El Costo Humano de los Agrotoxicos (the Human Cost of Agrotoxins), which shows the health conditions of Argentinians who live and work in close contact with glyphosate. Piovano’s
Glyphosate is likely to be licensed for another 9 years. The authorisation period initially suggested was 15 years, but the European Parliament recently asked for 7. So this is the compromise found by the European Commission on the new authorisation – the existing one will expire in June – for the use of glyphosate in 28
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