The heartbreaking lives of pigs raised for meat
Animal Equality reveals the brutality of Europe’s pig meat industry and illegal activities on farms for which many perpetrators haven’t yet been punished.
Animal Equality reveals the brutality of Europe’s pig meat industry and illegal activities on farms for which many perpetrators haven’t yet been punished.
100,000 mink will be culled in Spain after testing positive for coronavirus. Meanwhile, the Netherlands abandons mink farming completely.
Il comune di Madrid ha finalmente deciso di vietare gli spettacoli di circo “con esibizione di animali selvatici”.
Il governo spagnolo ha annunciato di voler rinunciare al progetto di dragaggio del fiume Guadalquivir, salvando così l’area umida del Parco Nazionale Doñana.
The third edition of the international conference Greening the Islands will focus on two major issues: migration and climate change.
Il ventinovenne Victor Barrio è stato ferito a morte da un toro durante una corrida, è il primo incidente mortale dal 1985.
The cycling lane network in Barcelona will increase from 116 to 308 km in three years with an investment of 32 million euros. The urban mobility plan also aims to create new bike parking lots.
Il Parlamento europeo ha deciso di eliminare i fondi destinati agli allevamenti di tori per la corrida.
Seville dreams big about cycling mobility, in the wake of the actions undertaken by cities like Nantes or Lubiana; so, not exclusively Northern Europe can invest adequately in bicycles as the means of transport of the future. Figures on bike infrastructures in Seville From 2006 to 2011, in the Spanish city the number of cyclists increased tenfold,
Ingredients for 6 servings 300 g of diced stale bread 1.5 kg of ripe round tomatoes 6 spoonful of extra virgin olive oil 2 or 3 cloves of garlic 1/2 kg of cucmbers 1 onion 3 green peppers 1 litre of fresh water salt red wine vinegar For garnishing: 2 diced ripe tomatoes