Indonesia’s tobacco is harvested by children, whose health is at stake
Minori sfruttati da aziende locali e multinazionali del tabacco, con il beneplacito del governo. La denuncia di Human rights watch.
Minori sfruttati da aziende locali e multinazionali del tabacco, con il beneplacito del governo. La denuncia di Human rights watch.
Alle Olimpiadi di Rio ci sarà, per la prima volta, una squadra composta da dieci rifugiati. Così i giochi olimpici brasiliani sono già entrati nella storia.
Protecting the environment and people through conservation projects and sustainable development. This is the mission, as simple as revolutionary, of Environomica, an international non-profit organization specializing in nature conservation and sustainable rural development. Trees against the drug trade Drug traffickers have deforested large areas in Santa Marta, Colombia, for producing drug. But right there, a new
Protected areas to safeguard the Kawahiva people – one of the uncontacted indigenous tribes of Brazil’s Mato Grosso state – from the risk of extinction. These will be created according to a decree issued last month by Brazil’s recently appointed Minister of Justice Eugênio Aragão. Survival International’s campaign This decision came after months of campaigning
Freddy the tortoise lost most of its shell in a fire and a team of researchers gave it a new 3D-printed one.
Sea is the cradle of life, but Chilean waters have turned into a grave. Unprecedented red tide is killing millions of marine creatures in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Chiloé Island, in Los Lagos region, southern Chile. It is the largest die-off of marine wildlife in the country’s history. What caused the red
After a life spent in captivity, they have finally gone back home. This is the success story of 33 lions rescued from South American circuses (24 from Peru and 9 from Colombia) and brought to South Africa. They probably longed for their homeland while performing – in chains – in unnatural, humiliating shows. The lions landed in Johannesburg in
Fitz Roy is a mountain in Patagonia, on the border between Argentina and Chile. It is part of Los Glaciares National Park in Argentina and Bernardo O’Higging National Park in Chile. Its peak is 3,405 metres above sea level. Cerro Torre is an Argentinian mountain, also found in Patagonia, west of Fitz Roy, and is
Survival International, a global movement for tribal peoples’ rights, has denounced mercury poisoning in Latin America in a letter to the UN Special Rapporteur for Health. The organisation highlights Venezuela, Peru and Brazil as countries that don’t comply with procedures to monitor the effects of mining on the environment. Mercury contamination, which commonly follows illegal
Many of us grew up with the legend of Atlantis, an island described in one of Plato’s works, said to have sunk in the Atlantic Ocean after having fallen out of favour with the gods. A similar narrative has persisted in Peru in the form of a boiling river, Paititi. It is said that the