Fish, turtles and local populations destroyed by the Belo Monte dam
La costruzione dell’immensa centrale idroelettrica di Belo Monte ha avuto un impatto terribile su pesci, morti a tonnellate, e tartarughe. E di conseguenza sui pescatori locali.
La costruzione dell’immensa centrale idroelettrica di Belo Monte ha avuto un impatto terribile su pesci, morti a tonnellate, e tartarughe. E di conseguenza sui pescatori locali.
Un rapporto della Fao mostra i casi virtuosi di alcuni paesi che sono riusciti a lottare contro la fame salvaguardando al contempo le foreste.
L’organizzazione ambientalista ha chiesto a Siemens di non partecipare al progetto di un’enorme diga idroelettrica nel cuore dell’Amazzonia brasiliana.
Environmental activist Gloria Capitan opposed the construction of coal stockpile facilities. She was shot in a bar in the province of Bataan on 4 July.
Dopo oltre 140 anni di attività la struttura verrà convertita in un rifugio per gli animali in difficoltà mentre gli altri verranno trasferiti in riserve naturali.
Oil spills in the Amazon are nothing new. Another pipeline has broken in the Loreto region of Peru, threatening local communities’ health and the environment.
Juma couldn’t bear being kept in a cage and being subjected to humiliations and deprivation, but this led her to face death. Juma was a female jaguar (Panthera onca), America’s largest feline threatened with extinction mainly because of deforestation, poaching and human-wildlife conflicts. Why Juma was killed Juma was used – chained up – in
Attacks on indigenous people by armed gunmen working for ranchers continue: a slow genocide, the result of the occupation of indigenous ancestral lands.
The Colombian peace talks The conflict in Colombia has seen the government, right-wing paramilitary groups and left-wing guerrilla groups such as the The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC) and National Liberation Army (ELN) fighting against each other. It is the longest running conflict in the western hemisphere, having started five decades
In Medellín, Colombia, Agroarte teaches young people to take back lands wrecked by decades of violence using agriculture and hip hop music.