More trees, less disease
According to a new study, the conservation of the Brazilian Amazon reduces the incidence of some diseases.
According to a new study, the conservation of the Brazilian Amazon reduces the incidence of some diseases.
A rivelarlo è uno studio dell’università di Zurigo, che ha analizzato alcune centinaia di ghiacciai sparsi sul globo terrestre.
Thanks to shifting winds and ocean currents, maybe caused by climated change, Galapagos penguins rebound.
Una ricerca statunitense ha evidenziato come la personalità dei padroni influisca nella scelta dell’animale domestico.
Commuting from house to work is really hard for all European. Being a source of stress, according to a European survey (commissioned by Ford to Opinion Matters and carried out in April) getting to work from home is becoming a terrible nightmare. Due to increasingly less predictable journey times, caused by ever-worsening traffic conditions, 63% of the people interviewed said to
A report shows how Europe and US mainstream media coverage of climate change is scarce, incomplete and does not give voice to the victims
Eye contact between humans and dogs increases levels of oxytocin, the “love hormone”, research says.
Un nuovo studio mostra un collegamento tra i tratti della personalità degli abitanti di una nazione e le buone pratiche ambientali.