Glyphosate, 1 million signatures are needed to ban it in Europe
Un milione di firme per spingere Bruxelles a vietare il glifosato in Europa. Questa volta non si tratta della solita petizione online.
Un milione di firme per spingere Bruxelles a vietare il glifosato in Europa. Questa volta non si tratta della solita petizione online.
This happened in South Carolina, where millions of bees have died due to massive use of an insecticide used against mosquitoes.
L’autore del reportage El costo humano de los agrotóxicos, Pablo Ernesto Piovano, racconta com’è nata l’idea di girare l’Argentina in lungo e in largo alla scoperta degli effetti dei pesticidi sulle persone.
La moria delle api è anche un problema finanziario che potrebbe colpire a cascata i profitti di innumerevoli industrie e, quindi, i loro investitori.
European bees are poisoned by a cocktail of 57 pesticides, according to a new study. 98% of these substances are regularly approved for use by the EU. And bees are dying off. European bees are exposed to at least 57 different types of weed killers. This shocking figure was revealed by research conducted in
Men who ate contaminated food when they were teenagers have increased risk of becoming infertile. That’s what a study conducted on the population of the Faroe Islands reveals.
As every year, EWG compiled the list of the top twelve pesticide-heavy fruits and vegetables. For the fifth time in a row, apples ranked first. Here’s the full list.
The environmental association analysed 126 samples of apples purchased in European supermarkets and found that 83 percent of them are contaminated with pests. But just conventional apples.
Weed killer glyohosate is harmful for the health and environment: the Committee of Environmental Associations and Organic Farming asks the Italian Government to banish it.
Un nuovo studio conferma la nocività dei pesticidi neonicotinoidi per le api. Greenpeace ne chiede la messa al bando per tutti gli impieghi e tutte le colture.