Blackberries and melon skewers

Blackberries and melon skewers

Una ricetta velocissima da preparare, per rinfrescarsi mangiando: gli spiedini di mora e melone. Una variante altrettanto gustosa si realizza utilizzando il mango al posto del melone.

Fresh natural drinks for everybody

Fresh natural drinks for everybody

At home we can prepare delicious soft, fresh and thirst-quenching natural drinks rich in active ingredients and useful to fight hot temperatures and dehydration.

Watermelon and feta salad

Watermelon and feta salad

L’insalata di anguria e feta è fresca e leggera. Ottima a pranzo. Aggiungere olive nere e cipolla per avere una variante di frutta all’insalata greca.

Greek Tzatziki

Greek Tzatziki

Tzatziki is a traditional Greek summer meal which is served cold and accompanied with fresh bread.

Moroccan salad

Moroccan salad

Ingredients 300 g of carrots 2 cups of cooked chickpeas 100 g of prunes juice of a half lemon 4/5 leaves of fresh mint half teaspoonful of cumin seeds cayenne pepper 1 teaspoonful of acacia honey toasted almond flakes rose petals extra virgin olive oil marine salt     Preparation Pan-fry the cumin seeds for

Mint liquor

Mint liquor

Ingredients 50 leaves of fresh mint 500g of sugar 1/4 of water 500g of ethyl alcohol peel of 1/2 lemon   Preparation Wash and dry the mint leaves and put them in a glass pot. Cover them with the alcohol and leave the macerate for 1 week. Prepare the syrup with water and sugar and