Ume, Japan’s favourite pickle, is the fruit of 400 years of sustainable farming
On the hills of Minabe and Tanabe ume fruit has been cultivated alongside oak forests and honeybees for centuries using a method now recognised by the FAO.
On the hills of Minabe and Tanabe ume fruit has been cultivated alongside oak forests and honeybees for centuries using a method now recognised by the FAO.
Traditional orchards are ancient though often neglected sources of food, culture and well-being for people, as well as havens for wildlife. Conservation organisation Orchard Origins explains their value and benefits.
At this time of the year fresh and juicy watermelon is one of the most versatile fruit that can be used to prepare savoury and refreshing dishes. To conclude a summer dinner there is nothing better than a watermelon sorbet: blend the watermelon with some acacia honey and put it into the freezer; add a
Strawberries are rich with vitamin C (even more than oranges), contain vitamin B, E, and K and several mineral salts, including iron, sodium, phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. They have remineralising, bactericidal, antiviral, tonifying and freshening properties; help liver and nervous system to keep their balance and strengthen the immune system. What’s important, though, is
What fruits and vegetables are in season in Winter? January means citrus fruits, the best source of vitamin C during cold days. Here’s the list of all seasonal foods to eat and buy this month.
December means Winter holidays and feasts. To not exagerate with food, here’s a list of seasonal fruits and vegetables to eat and buy in December.
To us, October means mushrooms. We suggest an original and elegant recipe: boletus salad with dill. Serve it as a starter with rye bread. Preparation is simple: just sliced fresh mushrooms with fresh dill, chives, extra virgin olive oil and salt, garnished with a few pomegranate grains. Another food that ripens in October is the winter
Eating seasonal fruits and vegetables is crucial for our health and that of the environment. Following their natural life cycle, fruits and vegetables have more nutrients and active substances, along with more intense taste and aroma. Here’s a list of the best foods in season in September. Figs Now it’s time for “forniti” figs that
Amidst the determined push by biotech lobbies to impose genetically modified (GM) mustard in India, civil society movements and farmers’ organisations are once again doing battle to oppose this new product of genetic engineering. If approved, this would become India’s first GM food crop, which poses grave health and environmental risks. The release of GM mustard would threaten farmers’
In its variegated journey zigzagging between history and geography, ice cream has evolved from being a dessert for the powerful elite to a street food loved by all and eaten all year round. Way back in Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt, drinks with ice or snow were served to the rich and powerful, but it took