Theresa May launches A Global Britain. Her Brexit speech in full

Theresa May launches A Global Britain. Her Brexit speech in full

Theresa May has been British Prime Minister for seven months, coming to power in the wake of the Brexit referendum and David Cameron‘s resignation. Her main task as leader is that of defining the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union in conformity with the desires of the 52 per cent of voters who chose to back Brexit.

Water pollution, Zambian villagers sue mining giant Vedanta in UK court

Water pollution, Zambian villagers sue mining giant Vedanta in UK court

1,800 villagers living downstream the Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) in the Zambian Copperbelt region are demanding an end to 12 years of pollution near the town of Chingola and KCM’s Nchanga copper mine, which has turned the adjacent Kafue into a river of acid. The villagers are suing Vedanta, a London-based mining group, and its subsidiary KCM in

London, increasing pressure on Mayor to ban diesel vehicles

London, increasing pressure on Mayor to ban diesel vehicles

Hundreds of doctors, health professionals and medical students launched Doctors Against Diesel, a campaign calling for London mayor Sadiq Khan to phase out diesel vehicles in the city by 2025, on the 10th of December. The movement started shortly after the mayors of four major global cities – Paris, Mexico City, Madrid and Athens – announced they will stop using

Copenhagen has more bikes than cars

Copenhagen has more bikes than cars

Sustainable, two-wheel mobility is triumphing in Copenhagen. After years of investments, policies, and infrastructural changes, bikes now outnumber cars in the city centre. The website Copenhagenize has released data linked to the number of vehicles entering the city centre, which are monitored by the city’s administration on a daily basis. Last year, 265,700 bikes have entered