Sierra Leone dances to the rhythm of the news that it is Ebola free

Sierra Leone dances to the rhythm of the news that it is Ebola free

Sierra Leone is an Ebola-free zone. The World Health Organisation (WHO) made the announcement on the 7th of November, 42 days since the last person was tested positive for the disease. The Sierra Leone based Social Mobilisation Action Consortium (SMAC), which works to fight Ebola through community engagement, celebrated the news by posting a video that

Threats are never isolated. Peabody Energy exploited Ebola to boost coal sales

Threats are never isolated. Peabody Energy exploited Ebola to boost coal sales

Using the Ebola epidemic to promote coal is pretty far fetched. And yet, that’s exactly that Peabody Energy did. During a conference the American coal company, which has mining interests around the world, linked coal to Ebola in order to promote its own product as a response to Africa’s devastating health crisis. The PR exercise