Bibliobicicleta, San Francisco’s travelling trade library

Bibliobicicleta, San Francisco’s travelling trade library

A bicycle-powered community library in the streets of San Francisco to promote the passion for literature and willingness to learn and know. “Page by page, book by book, pedal by pedal” is the motto of the non-profit project Bibliobicicleta that started through successful fund-raising on Kickstarter.   Thanks to the support of 117 donours, 2200 dollars were

Voglio una ruota, women who choose bicycles instead of roses

Voglio una ruota, women who choose bicycles instead of roses

Could a seemingly innocuous object like a bicycle contribute to triggering a revolution? This is the question that the website of the documentary Voglio una ruota (I want a wheel) is asking itself, because the invention of bicycles, besides facilitating the right to mobility, encouraged women’s emancipation between the nineteenth and twentieth century. Voglio una ruota is

The clay speakers reproducing “the sound of the earth”

The clay speakers reproducing “the sound of the earth”

Chile is a country whose traditions and cultural identities are commended through the works of skilled artisans that hand down their own working techniques from one generation to another. Chilean design encloses this, being still far from well-known brands and industrial factories. The designer Pablo Ocqueteau has realised handmade clay speakers that combine ancestral ceramic techniques with

Refugees Welcome is the Airbnb for refugees. And Europe opens its homes

Refugees Welcome is the Airbnb for refugees. And Europe opens its homes

It’s been called the “Airbnb for refugees”. Refugees Welcome, Flüchtlinge Willkommen in the original German, is a non-profit website that connects refugees to people offering spare rooms. It has been active in Germany since November 2014 and in Austria since January 2015, helping around 140 refugees from 21 different countries find places to stay.