Indonesian artist creates artificial coral reef to give shelter to fish
The installation aims to raise authorities’ and population’s awareness on the poor conservation status coral reefs are going through.
The installation aims to raise authorities’ and population’s awareness on the poor conservation status coral reefs are going through.
The Bajau Laut are an indigenous group that lives in and around the seas of the Coral Triangle, an area between Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines that is considered the epicentre of global marine biodiversity. Traditionally, the Bajau Laut live as “sea nomads”, on boats called lepa lepa, coming to land only to bury the
There are further protests against the Reef 2050 plan, the 40 million dollars plan of the Australian government for the Great Barrier Reef’s long-term protection presented by the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott. The biodiversity of the site is in danger, due to ocean acidification threatening corals, overfishing and coal mines. And in spite of
According to a new report, presented at the 14th World Congress on Public Health held in India, human health and biodiversity are intimately connected.
Il governo del Madagascar ha istituito il primo santuario per gli squali dell’Oceano Indiano in un’area famosa per la sua biodiversità marina.
Gli scienziati australiani provano una sorta di “evoluzione assistita” per aiutare la barriera corallina ad adattarsi al riscaldamento globale.
Un nuovo studio, che ha preso in esame le maree di tutto il mondo, sostiene che negli ultimi 20 anni il livello delle acque stia crescendo sempre più rapidamente.