Connect4Climate wins the Global Green Oscar

Connect4Climate wins the Global Green Oscar

You may associate the Oscars with the colour gold but they have taken on an entirely new shade. Green. The winners of the 13th edition of the Global Green Oscars, organised by Global Green USA, were Connect4Climate, the United Nations Foundation and Global Green Champions including schoolchildren gardeners. The ceremony, which also saw Stevie Wonder perform,

Al Gore is back to talk about climate change with a message of hope

Al Gore is back to talk about climate change with a message of hope

Who loved An Inconvenient Truth, Davis Guggenheim’s documentary film about climate change that won two Academy Awards in 2007, probably can’t help welcoming with relief the latest “interpretation” of Al Gore, United States Vice President during Bill Clinton’s administration and Nobel Peace Prize, in his latest (the fourth) Ted Talk. Recorded in Vancouver, Canada, in

Fiji leads the world in ratifying the Paris climate agreement

Fiji leads the world in ratifying the Paris climate agreement

Fiji is the first country in the world to ratify the historic COP21 climate agreement negotiated in Paris last December. In demonstration of its commitment to tackling climate change, on 12 February Fiji’s parliament voted unanimously in favour of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.     With this formal agreement the nation seals its leadership role in raising global awareness on the impact

Farewell to Lake Poopó. Bolivia’s second largest lake has dried up

Farewell to Lake Poopó. Bolivia’s second largest lake has dried up

Lake Poopó, Bolivia’s second largest lake behind Lake Titicaca located at an altitude of 3,686 metres, was once home to endemic fish, bird and plant species, and provided people with their livelihoods. Today, it is completely dry.     Fish and birds carcasses are the silent demonstration of the ancient beauty of the area, now

The planet hits another record: 2015 was the hottest year

The planet hits another record: 2015 was the hottest year

2015 was the hottest year in history, i.e. since tracking began in 1880. We are approaching 1°C in average global temperature rise, over half of the threshold set in the Paris Climate Change Conference (COP21), 1.5 degrees. Above that limit, many island countries and coastal areas could be submerged and millions of people forced to flee.

What future for energy after COP21

What future for energy after COP21

The Paris document is important because it is the collective work of 195 countries and the first climate deal that will include some form of action for virtually every nation on the planet. But it also leaves most of the hardest decisions and difficult actions for the future.   The agreement does oblige wealthy, industrialised