11 people who made COP21 history (for better or for worse)

11 people who made COP21 history (for better or for worse)

Behind the negotiations carried out at Le Bourget for 13 days by 19,385 delegates from 195 countries in 2,500 meetings, there are some people that played a crucial role. Many committed to finding bold agreements, whilst others slowed down the works, putting at risk the results of the climate conference. “I wish all those who contributed

COP21. Landmark agreement reached in Paris

COP21. Landmark agreement reached in Paris

The agreement that will allow the world to keep the increase in temperature below 2°C has been reached during the COP21 summit in Paris, after 2 weeks of negotiations.   This is the first deal to propose commitments to all countries, to reduce CO2 emissions. The agreement is partly binding and partly voluntary.   Shortly

What’s happening at COP21 and who’s leaving their mark

What’s happening at COP21 and who’s leaving their mark

The conference on climate taking place in Paris is hosting a number of celebrities. Actors, politicians, activists, the witnesses of the disasters caused by climate change. From American actor Leonardo DiCaprio to the Latin American indigenous woman Diana Rios, from American former Vice President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore to the progressive Mayor of Barcelona Ada Colau.   They aim