The 26th edition of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP26, will be held in Glasgow, Scotland in November 2020. The pre-COP will take place in Milan, Italy.
In attesa del testo definitivo, che dovrebbe arrivare sabato, alla Cop 21 fa discutere la nuova bozza. Che “cancella” i diritti umani.
Thursday has been a very long day at COP21. The longest since the Climate Conference has begun. A new draft agreement was supposed to be published at 2 p.m., but it has been delayed to 7 p.m. and then 9 p.m. And shortly after its release, negotiations started once again until 5 a.m., when the French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius announced: “The final text won’t be released today, but on Sunday”.
5h40 ce matin, @LaurentFabius a annoncé l’ultime texte pour samedi matin. Décision finale samedi midi. #COP21 #live pic.twitter.com/rzZxTJWWU8
— Réseau Action Climat (@RACFrance) 11 Dicembre 2015
Apparently, as the moment of truth gets closer, numerous governments decided to overstate. At 9.30 a.m. this morning, the NGO Nicolas Hulot Foundation has called a press conference, where president said: “I think about all the people I met over the 3 preparatory years ahead of COP21. Men and women dramatically affected by climate change: to me, their judgement will be important eventually. This conference gave them hope, and we don’t have the right to disappoint them. I tell governments that rather than building walls, it’s time to build bridges. If today we give up, this means preventing peoples from making their voice heard. And this would lead to fanaticism”.
The draft agreement released on Thursday night presents some progresses yet many steps backwards compared to previous versions. It is a 27-page document, and brackets (denoting disagreement) decreased to 48. This means that talks allowed solving numerous sticking points.
Négociation nocturne très difficile. Le brouillon avait donc [progressé] pour mieux reculer? #3degrés #COP21 @RACFrance
— Alix Mazounie (@ClimatAlix) 11 Dicembre 2015
However, NGOs are disappointed due to the fact that the aim to limit the global average temperature rise hasn’t been set to 1.5°C, as previously asked by the countries most affected by climate change. Indeed, the goal set is to hold “the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above preindustrial levels”. This is certainly better than just “2 degrees”, but it provides room for interpretation. 1.5 degrees are mentioned, but only “recognizing that this would significantly reduce risks and impacts of climate change”.
The world “decarbonisation” hasn’t been mentioned. Saudi Arabia and Iraq – leading oil producers – have strongly pushed for the word not to appear.
Moreover, INDCs (the pledges to reduce GHG emissions submitted by governments ahead of COP21) are not enough to achieve a limit on temperature increase to 2 degrees (they can guarantee +2.7°C). For this reason, NGOs asked the establishment of a date for an update “by 2017 or 2018”, but has been set 2025. “If INDCs won’t be reviewed regularly, every 5 years, this agreement will be pointless,” said Miguel Arias Canete, Climate and Energy European Commissioner.
Pour cette raison, @MAC_europa dit : “sans une révision à la hausse des ambitions tous les 5 ans, l’accord n’a aucun sens.” #COP21 #ambition
— Réseau Action Climat (@RACFrance) 11 Dicembre 2015
Ursula Ravoka, representative of the Carteret Islands, Pacific archipelago that risks to be submerged due to sea level rise: “Right as it is, the agreement gives us no hope”. “Leading countries talk about a deal to protect the planet and generations to come, but we start to think that they’re just fine words,” said Joni Pegram of Unicef.
Another controversial issue that triggered indignation among NGOs is the elimination of the reference to the respect of human rights. Benjamin Schachter, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said the decision is not acceptable and asked the sentence to be reintroduced. According to AFP, several countries agreed for its removal, such as Saudi Arabia, Norway, and the United States. “We are extremely disappointed,” said the humanitarian organisation Oxfam.
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The 26th edition of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP26, will be held in Glasgow, Scotland in November 2020. The pre-COP will take place in Milan, Italy.
Thanks to activists, the voice of the world’s peoples resounded through the COP25 like an alarm bell. Governments didn’t reach the results they demanded, but their cries and messages were stronger than ever, reaching even those who weren’t in Madrid.
Climate change poses a risk for millions. However, women are the most vulnerable to its negative consequences: a few simple considerations by the Italian Climate Network help us perceive the global implications of this.
The COP25 ended two days late and with very few steps ahead made. Climate negotiations in 2020 will be an uphill battle as political will clearly seems to be lacking, once again.
The last ten years have been the most “exceptional” and hottest decade ever, with extreme weather hitting people and ecosystems harder and more frequently. 2019 is also on course to becoming the second or third hottest year since records began.
Unite Behind the Science: this was the title of the conference held at the COP25 on 10 December. Greta Thunberg’s presence filled the arena, but this time it was scientists’ turn to speak.
25,000 delegates meet for the COP25 from 2 to 13 December. What can we hope this UN climate change conference, whose venue was changed from Santiago de Chile to Madrid, will achieve?
100 eminent people from all over the world, including Vandana Shiva, Naomi Klein and Noam Chomsky, have signed an open letter after the disappointing results of the COP24. A call-to-arms for climate against world leaders’ indifference.
The outcome of the COP24 in Katowice left many unsatisfied. Greta Thunberg, a young Swedish environmental activist, gave a harsh, heartfelt speech addressing world leaders.