Yellowstone, the USA’s oldest park endangered by reckless tourism

Yellowstone, the USA’s oldest park endangered by reckless tourism

Yellowstone was the United States’ first national park, created 140 years ago. It covers an area of nearly 9,000 square kilometres over the states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. Its natural wonders are well-known worldwide, making it a major tourist attraction with a record breaking four million visitors in 2015 alone. But with popularity, problems

There is no such thing as bad food. It’s all about the context

There is no such thing as bad food. It’s all about the context

Food contains the energy of the sun and every living being needs this energy to be able to live, think, fall in love, run and play as well as for many other actions that it would be impossible to list here in detail. For this reason I’ve always reasoned about the fact that humans can’t produce antibodies against food

The Leuser Ecosystem, the last place on Earth that needs to be protected

The Leuser Ecosystem, the last place on Earth that needs to be protected

With verdant and pristine rainforests and high peaks, the Gunung Leuser National Park, Indonesia, is a real treasure for biodiversity. It is home to species still unknown to science and, above all, it is the last place on Earth where Sumatran orangutans, elephants, bears, and rhinos roam freely in the wild. The lowland #rainforest of the