Glyphosate, 1 million signatures are needed to ban it in Europe
Un milione di firme per spingere Bruxelles a vietare il glifosato in Europa. Questa volta non si tratta della solita petizione online.
Un milione di firme per spingere Bruxelles a vietare il glifosato in Europa. Questa volta non si tratta della solita petizione online.
Il comune di Madrid ha finalmente deciso di vietare gli spettacoli di circo “con esibizione di animali selvatici”.
“I am heartbroken that today President Trump is closing the door on children, mothers and fathers fleeing violence and war. I am heartbroken that America is turning its back on a proud history of welcoming refugees and immigrants — the people who helped build your country, ready to work hard in exchange for a fair
Justin Trudeau responds to Donald Trump’s executive order to ban travel from seven majority Muslim countries and to put a halt on Syrian refugees coming to the U.S. In addition, the Canadian Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussan, who is a Somalian refugee also responds to the travel ban.
Protests and demonstrations against the decision of US President Donald Trump of denying entry to refugees and citizens of 7 Muslim-majority countries continue. The executive order, signed on 27 January, suspends the admission of all refugees for 120 days (Syrian refugees indefinitely) and bars citizens of Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen from
Entro la fine del 2017 in Cina sarà vietata la vendita e la trasformazione di avorio per contrastare il bracconaggio di elefanti.
Hundreds of doctors, health professionals and medical students launched Doctors Against Diesel, a campaign calling for London mayor Sadiq Khan to phase out diesel vehicles in the city by 2025, on the 10th of December. The movement started shortly after the mayors of four major global cities – Paris, Mexico City, Madrid and Athens – announced they will stop using
Paris, Athens, Madrid and Mexico City are the first megacities to ban diesel cars from their streets in order to reduce air pollution.
Una legge voluta dai cattolici vuole cancellare il diritto di aborto in Polonia, ma le donne sono scese in piazza a migliaia per protestare.
La Convenzione sul commercio internazionale delle specie a rischio ha intensificato la protezione dei pangolini, i mammiferi più venduti illegalmente.