What Donald Trump did in his first week as President
Abortion, torture, pipelines, trade agreements, LGBT rights and the US-Mexico border wall. What happened during Trump’s first week leading the United States.
Abortion, torture, pipelines, trade agreements, LGBT rights and the US-Mexico border wall. What happened during Trump’s first week leading the United States.
The unofficial US national parks Twitter account @AltNatParkSer was created on the 24th of January as an alternative to the official page of the National Park Service (NPS), the government agency entrusted with the care of the country’s protected areas. The objective is to resist newly-elected Donald Trump‘s backlash against former president Barack Obama’s action plan on climate change, including the removal
More than 100 wildfires have been raging in Chile for over a week. 500 firefighters and 1,200 troops are trying to putting out the fires that are devastating the country and led President Michelle Bachelet to declare a state of emergency. “The firefighters are doing all that is humanly possible,” Bachelet told BBC. “But Chile has
La risposta del presidente del Messico ai decreti presidenziali firmati da Donald Trump per la costruzione del muro lungo il confine con gli Stati Uniti.
Secondo un nuovo studio pubblicato su Science Advances i paesaggi forestali intatti stanno scomparendo ad un ritmo insostenibile.
Il presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump ha annunciato la firma di un decreto presidenziale per la costruzione della barriera al confine con il Messico.
The Belo Monte hydroelectric complex in Brazil was approved in 2005 even in the absence of the legally required environmental impact assessment and consultations with affected populations. Brazilian prosecutors have ruled the authorisation unconstitutional, multiples times. Yet after over a decade of legal attempts to block it, occupations, strikes and violence, Belo Monte is expected
Trump clears the way for the construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines.
These past few days have seen millions of people pour out onto the streets in the United States to join two historic – yet opposing – rallies. The first marked the inauguration of Donald Trump as 45th President of the United States and took place in Washington DC on the 20th January. The second was also
Obamacare, free trade agreements, LGBT rights, immigration, and climate change were the main targets of Donald Trump’s first day in office at the White House.