Sustainable ferry boat to cross the Baltic Sea

From 2017 a new sustainable ferry boat will sail across the Baltic Sea. It will be powered by LNG, reducing consumptions and emissions of pollutants.

Designed by AS Tallink Grupp and Meyer Turku Oy, the new sustainable ferry boat will link Tallinn, in Estonia, to Helsinki, in Finland. It will be 212 metres long, with a tonnage 49,000 tons and will carry 2,800 passengers.




The ship will be powered by a dual fuel engines, and will also be fuelled by liquefied natural gas (LNG). It is designed to reach 27 knots and to sail also in case of frozen sea. The company estimates that 230 million euros will be invested for its construction and about 2,000 workers will be employed.


Thanks to  liquefied natural gas, the ship will comply the recent International Regulation on Ship Emission, which sets  the maximum sulphur contents in fuel oil within the ECA area (Emission Control Area) to 0,1%. This area lies within the borders of the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the English Channel up to Falmouth.




LNG will be stocked in two tanks designed by Linde, a German company which will provide this low-carbon emissions fuel. “When designing the new LNG-powered ferry, we selected world-class solutions and suppliers that will make the vessel environmentally sustainable throughout and operationally efficient for many years to come, “said Tarvi-Carlos Tuulik, Head of Ship management from AS Tallink Grupp . “As the market leader in the Tallinn-Helsinki route, we are proud to set the standard for the next generation of passenger ferries.”


According to themeditelegraph estimations, using LNG as large ships fuel would reduce CO2 emissions by 20%. However, today there are only 40 ships around the world using that kind of fuel.


Cover picture: ©

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