There are 65 million displaced people worldwide. 2015 broke all records
L’allarme dell’Alto commissariato delle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati: il numero di persone in fuga dalle loro terre non è mai stato così alto.
L’allarme dell’Alto commissariato delle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati: il numero di persone in fuga dalle loro terre non è mai stato così alto.
L’obiettivo della giornata è di sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica sui diritti dei migranti, persone in fuga dalla guerra e dalla povertà che necessitano di protezione e di sicurezza.
Attacks on indigenous people by armed gunmen working for ranchers continue: a slow genocide, the result of the occupation of indigenous ancestral lands.
The Colombian peace talks The conflict in Colombia has seen the government, right-wing paramilitary groups and left-wing guerrilla groups such as the The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC) and National Liberation Army (ELN) fighting against each other. It is the longest running conflict in the western hemisphere, having started five decades
Orlando, a city in Florida of over a quarter million inhabitants, was theatre to a shooting that killed 50 people in the early hours of Sunday the 12th of June. The attack took place in a gay nightclub, Pulse, and was perpetrated by 29-year-old Omar Mateen, who was shot and killed by Orlando police. At the
Amnesty International denuncia la strage in corso nello stato africano, dove gli albini vengono uccisi e fatti a pezzi per fabbricare talismani impiegati nella medicina tradizionale.
Minori sfruttati da aziende locali e multinazionali del tabacco, con il beneplacito del governo. La denuncia di Human rights watch.
At Pappadavada, a famous food joint in Kochi, in the southwest Indian state of Kerala, everybody can bring food for those in need. Its manager, 28-year old Minu Pauline, kicked the initiative off with food provided by the restaurant. She installed a free-standing fridge outside its premises, packing it with fifty meals a day destined for homeless people, available
Alle Olimpiadi di Rio ci sarà, per la prima volta, una squadra composta da dieci rifugiati. Così i giochi olimpici brasiliani sono già entrati nella storia.
The circular economy is a rather hot topic nowadays, so it’s important to shed light on what the fundamentals are behind this new approach to business. What is the circular economy Before the Industrial Revolution, agricultural economies reused or recycled anything that could be repurposed. Imagine grandmothers reusing old clothing to make new things, useful