Ethiopia, police fired live bullets at peaceful protesters killing over 100
Protests against the government were held throughout Ethiopia to call for political reforms. The police shot at the crowd resulting in a massacre.
Protests against the government were held throughout Ethiopia to call for political reforms. The police shot at the crowd resulting in a massacre.
The environmental license for one of the most extensive dams in Brazil has been denied. A valuable and sensitive area of the Amazon has been spared.
Daniah Hagul Daniah Hagul is 17 and the only Libyan woman who will take part in the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, as well as the only female swimmer from her country to participate since 2011, year in which the revolution brought to the capture and killing of Muammar Gaddafi. She lives in Malta, specifying that
Il monsone annuale è stato particolarmente violento e ha devastato il centro-nord del Paese, colpendo soprattutto gli stati più poveri.
Stop Brazil’s Genocide is Survival’s campaign highlighting the contrast between the glitz of the Olympics and a dark underbelly: the host country’s continued violation of indigenous people’s rights.
La sentenza arriva dal Tribunale internazionale del popolo (Ipt): quello in Indonesia fu un genocidio che vide 400mila sostenitori del Partito Comunista uccisi tra il 1965 e il 1967 per mano di Suharto.
Tre prove dei Giochi Olimpici si terranno nella baia di Guanabara, dove sono stati riscontrati alti tassi di inquinamento. “Gli atleti rischiano di sentirsi male”.
Sono più di cinquemila le vittime, tra morti e feriti in Afghanistan, dall’inizio dell’anno. Le Nazioni Unite lanciano l’allarme, parlando di “cifre record”.
After Donald Trump‘s coronation as the Republican Party candidate at the GOP Convention held in Cleveland, Ohio earlier this month, all spotlights are now on the 2016 Democratic Party Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It’s Hillary Clinton‘s time to shine and pick up the baton of the candidacy for the presidential elections that will be held on the 8th of November
State of emergency could threaten human rights In response to the failure of the military coup that took place on the 15th of July, the Turkish government has begun a series of crackdown measures. These include declaring a three-month long state of emergency and suspending the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Thousands of Turkish citizens, from academics to soldiers and