Actor and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio has contributed two million dollars to a fund to protect Virunga National Park in Congo from threats such as terrorism, the coronavirus and poaching.
Five Virunga National Park rangers and a driver fell victim to an ambush while patrolling the most important wildlife sanctuary in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
170 rangers have been killed over the past 20 years in Virunga National Park, a UNESCO heritage site in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and home to some of the last mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei). It seems like a war bulletin, but it’s a silent war fought far from our eyes but on which the survival of these huge and beautiful animals depends. On 9 April the park witnessed the worst attack to date that killed five rangers and a driver, aged between 22 and 30, in an ambush. Another ranger survived but was severely wounded.
Rangers and other staff members at the Park, led by director Emmanuel de Mérode, risk their life every day to protect mountain gorillas and the precious biodiversity of the nature reserve from poachers’ attacks. “We are profoundly saddened by the loss of our colleagues,” said de Mérode. “Virunga has lost some extraordinarily brave rangers who were deeply committed to working in service of their communities. It is unacceptable that Virunga’s rangers continue to pay the highest price in defence of our common heritage”.
The park’s wardens believe the attack was organised by Mai Mai people’s militias. Indeed, many outside the park dislike what rangers do at Virunga, from rebel armed group and poachers to people in the coal industry. Poaching and terrorism are closely linked and the profits from illegal wildlife hunting often need to finance armed groups’ activities.
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Actor and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio has contributed two million dollars to a fund to protect Virunga National Park in Congo from threats such as terrorism, the coronavirus and poaching.
Mountain gorillas survive in just two places on Earth. The tale of a unique encounter and how to contribute to these animals’ conservation.
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Yet another ranger, Patrick Muhayirwa, 26, has been killed in an ambush of Mai-Mai militia. According to the park’s authorities, the ranger was patrolling the Virunga National Park with the army of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A second ranger, Jean Claude Muhindo Mastaki, was seriously injured in the attack. He received medical attention and
A causa della caccia e della guerra civile in Congo questa specie è ora classificata “in pericolo critico” dalla Lista rossa della Iucn.
The documentary Virunga by Orlando von Einsiedel tells the story of a group of people who risk their lives every day in order to build a better future in an area of the African continent often forgotten, and to save one of the world’s most important natural habitats. A movie that shows the hard reality within