Greenpeace urges Siemens to join fight to save the Amazon’s Munduruku people
L’organizzazione ambientalista ha chiesto a Siemens di non partecipare al progetto di un’enorme diga idroelettrica nel cuore dell’Amazzonia brasiliana.
L’organizzazione ambientalista ha chiesto a Siemens di non partecipare al progetto di un’enorme diga idroelettrica nel cuore dell’Amazzonia brasiliana.
Lesbia Janeth Urquía era un membro del Consiglio delle organizzazioni popolari e indigene dell’Honduras (Copinh), di cui faceva parte Berta Cáceres, e lottava contro la costruzione di una diga.
Environmental activist Gloria Capitan opposed the construction of coal stockpile facilities. She was shot in a bar in the province of Bataan on 4 July.
Winner of the Goldman Environmental Prize, Luis Jorge Rivera Herrera tells LifeGate about his battle to protect endangered leatherback turtles and the Puerto Rican coastline.
Driven by an endless thirst for new technology, Americans keep buying new gadgets, leaving behind older models. The result is the accumulation of huge amounts of toxic electronic waste. Some companies show ethics and responsibility by recycling within US borders despite high costs and low profitability. However, most manufacturers, more interested in their profits than
There’s no good news and figures are appalling. The warning comes from scientists, not environmentalists. After the records set in the first quarter of 2016, April was 1.1 degrees warmer than the April average temperatures. It’s a figure too close to the 1.5-degree limit set in the Paris Agreement that signing countries should abide by.
Tanzanian activist, community leader and Maasai tribe member Edward Loure won the Goldman Environmental Prize for Africa in April 2016 for his efforts securing the land rights of Tanzanian indigenous people. For years he has been fighting to demonstrate that native people are good stewards of the land and local ecosystems. The Goldman Prize is the
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a free trade agreement between the United States (US) and European Union (EU). The two countries have been negotiating – mostly in secret – since 2013, after more than a decade of preliminary talks. The treaty aims to create a common market to facilitate economic relations between
What makes environmental crimes even more dreadful is impunity. “Across the world environmental defenders are being shot dead in broad daylight, kidnapped, threatened, or tried as terrorists for standing in the way of so-called ‘development’,” said Billy Kyte, campaigner at Global Witness. “The true authors of these crimes – a powerful nexus of corporate and
For those who already know him, DiCaprio has most probably prepared the speech he delivered on 22 April at United Nations headquarters in New York before the 175 delegates who signed the Paris Agreement reached in December more attentively than his Oscar acceptance speech. DiCaprio addressed the world leaders: “You are the last, best hope of Earth.