The Earth has lost 58% of its wildlife in the past 40 years
According to a new study, global wildlife populations are at risk and two thirds of all animal species may disappear in the next four years.
According to a new study, global wildlife populations are at risk and two thirds of all animal species may disappear in the next four years.
Il Wildlife photographer of the year premia le più spettacolari fotografie naturalistiche. Ecco le foto vincitrici dell’edizione del 2016.
The Khan Younis zoo in Gaza, where few animals lived in dreadful conditions, is now effectively closed. Now the survivors are off to a better life.
Grindadráp is the local name for a yearly event that sees the people of the Faroe Islands, a self-governing archipelago under Denmark, hunt long-finned pilot whales as well as other species of cetaceans such as bottlenose dolphins, white-sided dolphins and Risso’s dolphins. These species aren’t on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)’s list of endangered animals, but
Abhishek Ray, a Bollywood music composer, has put all his savings in a natural reserve to protect wild tigers from the devastating impact of humans.
The rare Angolan black and white colobus monkey lives high in the trees and hardly ever comes down to the ground. It is a leaf eater and the forest is essential to its survival. On the southern coast of Kenya, where the coral rag forests which are extremely rich in biodiversity have slowly been disappearing in favour of
Le autorità della Cina hanno approvato una legge che vieta la vendita di cibi a base di animali a rischio di estinzione. Ma la norma non convince tutti.
Il tennista britannico e l’attore statunitense hanno lanciato un appello per sostenere la campagna del Wwf per la tutela delle tigri.
In response to an alarming rise in the poaching of the African elephant population, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service has announced a near-total ban on the sale of ivory products in the country, even across state lines. It will take effect on the 6th of July. While ivory import bans and restrictions have been in
Buddhism should teach the respect for life and the equal treatment of all living beings, given that Buddha himself would have been reborn in non-human animals. However, it seems that the monks of the Tiger Temple, a Buddhist temple in the province of Kanchanaburi, west of Bangkok, Thailand, forgot these teachings. As it