Livio Senigalliesi on the hard truths captured in 40 years of photojournalism
Photojournalist Livio Senigalliesi tells his story, from the Yugoslav Wars to the Balkan Route. And through two videos, one created with journalist Raffaele Masto.
Photojournalist Livio Senigalliesi tells his story, from the Yugoslav Wars to the Balkan Route. And through two videos, one created with journalist Raffaele Masto.
Actor and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio has contributed two million dollars to a fund to protect Virunga National Park in Congo from threats such as terrorism, the coronavirus and poaching.
https://youtu.be/i_K3a9Q_AO4 The passing of seasons is a natural phenomenon – but not in this case. June to September in the Sahel – an area in Africa that separates the Sahara desert to the north and the savanna to the south, and that crosses the continent from east to west – is the hunger season. This year
Terrorism has drawn global attention and most countries have joined the effort to contrast it. But the international community is yet to wage a war against air pollution despite the enormity of the hazard it poses for global health. In India, for example, terrorism has taken 65,900 human lives between 1994 and 2017, which is almost half of deaths caused by air pollution in
At least 22 people, including children, have died in a suspected “terror attack” at a concert by US singer Ariana Grande, popular among teenagers, on 22 May in Manchester, UK, at 22:35 local time. 59 people have been injured and some are missing. The explosion took place at the entrance of the Manchester Arena at the
La guerra in Siria dura ormai da sei anni: ecco le dieci date spartiacque di un conflitto che ha provocato 321mila morti e quasi cinque milioni di profughi.
On 12 November, almost a year after the Paris attacks that took place on 13 November 2015, British rocker Sting is scheduled to play at the Bataclan music venue.
Lanciata una vasta operazione militare da parte delle forze irachene e internazionali. Obiettivo: riprendere la città di Mosul, dal 2014 in mano all’Isis.
Sono più di cinquemila le vittime, tra morti e feriti in Afghanistan, dall’inizio dell’anno. Le Nazioni Unite lanciano l’allarme, parlando di “cifre record”.
Lettera a Emmanuel, scampato ad un attentato in Nigeria, alle violenze in Libia, alla traversata del Mediterraneo. Ucciso nelle Marche perché nero.