27 January is International Holocaust Remembrance Day

27 January is International Holocaust Remembrance Day

On the 27th of January 1945 the soldiers of the Red Army, i.e. the Soviet Union’s army, entered the Auschwitz concentration camp and Birkenau extermination camp in Poland whilst moving towards Berlin. In the camps, the Soviet troops saw for the first time what the countries allied against Germany (the Allies) had only heard about over

5 June is World Environment Day: we celebrate our (one and only) home

5 June is World Environment Day: we celebrate our (one and only) home

‘Home’ can mean a number of things according to each of us but ultimately it evokes a sense of safety and well-being. It’s an ancestral space where our memories and experiences lie. Planet Earth is our home. It’s the place where our species took its first steps, and evolved throughout millennia. World Environment Day Unlike any other animal species we