2016’s greenest travel destinations according to Lonely Planet

2016’s greenest travel destinations according to Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet compiles many lists regarding a topic for which it’s a universally recognised authority: the best travel destinations for those who love travelling. The 2016 lists include a few ideas for those who want a green as well as experiential trip in close contact with nature. These could seem suitable for adventurous and fearless tourists, but

Greenland is melting

Greenland is melting

Un reportage del New York Times ha raccontato il lavoro di un team di ricercatori impegnati a studiare l’allarmante scioglimento dei ghiacci della Groenlandia.

Hundreds of kayaks row against Shell in Seattle

Hundreds of kayaks row against Shell in Seattle

Hundreds of environmental activists filled the Elliott Bay, Seattle, United States, on board of kayaks, protesting against the decision of the Dutch oil company, Royal Dutch Shell, of exploring for oil off Alaska during summer.     Kayakers formed a chain blockading the port of Seattle’s Terminal 5 in order to impede the Polar Pioneer

Midnight sun in Alaska

Midnight sun in Alaska

[vimeo url=”http://vimeo.com/101584491″] In the days right before and after the summer solstice, i.e. the year’s longest days, the sun doesn’t set in some areas of the polar circles and the poles, but it shines even at midnight. In the boreal hemisphere, summer solstice usually is on 21 June.   There are just a few places