Scientists have found a new way to remove silicon from used solar panels
Researchers from the IFM at Deakin University in Victoria, Australia have tested a novel method for removing silicon from used solar panels.
Researchers from the IFM at Deakin University in Victoria, Australia have tested a novel method for removing silicon from used solar panels.
A flawed resettlement process is robbing villagers of their homes and livelihoods to the pave way for the construction of the Souapiti dam in Guinea.
Overshoot Day marks the point when humanity has used up the Earth’s resources for a year. And the date comes earlier and earlier every year.
What is the definition of sustainable architecture? The term is spreading in the construction industry but struggling to establish itself. Examples of projects that embrace sustainable materials and concepts.
We met computer scientist Ramez Naam at the Singularity University summit 2017 in Milan. His words on the potential of renewables and technological innovation are encouraging.
Nature is one of the best allies against climate change, but we’ve been underestimating its role. The Nature Conservancy’s latest study demonstrates why natural climate solutions can’t be overlooked.
Chasing Coral is a Netflix documentary on coral reefs. Over the past 30 years half the world’s corals have gone forever, but the hope of saving these extraordinary animals is still alive. This is why everyone should watch it.
Un panda gigante è la forma del nuovo impianto fotovoltaico costruito in Cina ed entrato in funzione in questi giorni. Una centrale bella da vedere ma che vuole soprattutto parlare di sostenibilità ai giovani.
Trump annuncia l’uscita dagli accordi sul clima di Parigi. La risposta della California è l’approvazione di un disegno di per abbandonare i combustibili fossili e arrivare al 100 per cento di energia rinnovabile.
Here’s a selection of official statements released by C40 mayors from all over the world speaking up against Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement, and confirming their commitment to defending the accord and continuing to fight climate change. Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris and Chair of C40 Cities “Climate