United States, Biden suspends oil drilling in parts of Alaska
The ban on drilling for oil has been welcomed by activists, but comes after a series of controversial decisions in Alaska and beyond.
The ban on drilling for oil has been welcomed by activists, but comes after a series of controversial decisions in Alaska and beyond.
The United States will have to obey restrictions and won’t be able to expand oil exploration in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans, against President Trump’s will.
Il ministro dell’Ambiente Ségolène Royal ha annunciato una moratoria sulla ricerca di petrolio in mare: “Rischiamo conseguenze drammatiche”.
Il presidente degli Stati Uniti ha deciso di non concedere le concessioni per trivellare lungo la costa dell’Oceano Atlantico.
Il Paese ha venduto i diritti per l’estrazione di gas naturale in una delle aree dell’Africa più importanti dal punto di vista naturalistico.
“Yes. No. I don’t know. Let me think about it”. The never-ending soap opera on Arctic oil drilling seems to have come to an end. At least for the moment. After the decision made by Shell to “cease further exploration activity in offshore Alaska for the foreseeable future” due to their costs, the interior secretary Sally Jewell, in
The oil giant has announced it will end exploration drilling in Alaska. A huge victory for environmental activists.
Andy Gotts photographs 60 celebrities with the T-shirt designed by Vivienne Westwood. All with one clear message “Save The Arctic”.
Hundreds of environmental activists filled the Elliott Bay, Seattle, United States, on board of kayaks, protesting against the decision of the Dutch oil company, Royal Dutch Shell, of exploring for oil off Alaska during summer. Kayakers formed a chain blockading the port of Seattle’s Terminal 5 in order to impede the Polar Pioneer