The fight against GM mustard in India is crucial for the global war on GMOs

The fight against GM mustard in India is crucial for the global war on GMOs

Amidst the determined push by biotech lobbies to impose genetically modified (GM) mustard in India, civil society movements and farmers’ organisations are once again doing battle to oppose this new product of genetic engineering. If approved, this would become India’s first GM food crop, which poses grave health and environmental risks. The release of GM mustard would threaten farmers’

Plant based alternatives attract investment from meat producers

Plant based alternatives attract investment from meat producers

Plant based foods are ones in which ingredients aren’t derived from animals. As well as vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds, the trend in the growth of “fake” meats and plant based milks provides even more options for those seeking alternatives to meat and dairy consumption. These act as substitutes to meat and dairy by imitating animal

Home-made crunchy granola

Home-made crunchy granola

A quick recipe to prepare crunchy granola at home with mixed seeds and nuts. Top your favourite yogurt for a delicious breakfast.

Pumpkin curry with chickpeas

Pumpkin curry with chickpeas

The pumpkin curry with chickpeas is an excellent, healthy and tasty veggie alternative to traditional curry dishes. Serve with a bowl of rice.