St. Petersburg, metro explosions kill at least 10

Due deflagrazioni sono state registrate nella metropolitana di San Pietroburgo. Le prime informazioni parlano di almeno 10 morti e 20 feriti.

Update April, 4, 09:45 – Russian secret services claim the alleged bomber was a native of Kyrgyzstan. However, it hasn’t been verified yet if it was a suicide attack and the causes behind it. The death toll has risen to 11 verified victims.

Two explosions have hit two metro stations (Sennaya Ploschad and Tekhnologichesky Institut) in St. Petersburg, Russia, on 3 April.

St. petersburg metro explosions killed 10 and wounded dozens

News agency Interfax quoted a Russian government source according to which the blasts “killed about 10 people and wounded at least 20”. News agency Ria Novosti confirmed the death doll. A municipal source has recently reported 50 injured people.

President Putin sends condolences to the victims’ families

The first images of the attack have started circulating on social networks, particularly on Twitter. The photos show a damaged metro coach and injured people on the platform.

Russian President Vladimir Putin sent his condolences to the victims and their families. “The government, both on the city and federal levels, will do everything to support families of the victims and injured,” Putin said. Officials are trying to investigate the causes of the incident, but haven’t yet specified if it is a terror attack.

Featured image: St. petersurg metro station via Twitter

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